How To Add Dashboards To Unleashed X: A Step-by-Step Guide

Data is essential for making smart decisions in today’s fast-paced corporate environment and for staying competitive. You can track and manage your inventory effectively with the aid of Unleashed X, a potent inventory management system. The ability to design unique dashboards that show your data visually is one of the most useful capabilities. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to integrate dashboards with Unleashed X to improve your company operations and acquire greater insights.

What Are Dashboards in Unleashed X?

Dashboards in Unleashed X are customizable interfaces that display critical data and metrics about your inventory and business performance.

You can check inventory levels, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and make data-driven decisions in real time thanks to their visual overview of data in one easily accessible location.

You may design and edit dashboards with Unleashed X’s user-friendly dashboard builder to suit your own requirements.

You may arrange different widgets on your dashboard, such as charts, graphs, tables, and more, to give a thorough picture of your company’s data.

Why Add Dashboards To Unleashed X?

Before reading the detailed instructions, it’s crucial to comprehend why integrating dashboards with Unleashed X may revolutionize your company:

1. Real-time Insights: You can keep updated about inventory levels, sales, and other important data with the help of dashboards, which offer up-to-the-minute insights.

Better decisions may be made as a result of this real-time knowledge.

2. Customization: Unleashed X’s dashboard builder enables you to tailor your dashboards to your specific business needs.

In order to have the appropriate information at your fingertips, you may design many dashboards for various parts of your organization.

3. Improved Productivity: With all the information you need in one place, you and your team can work more efficiently.

You won’t waste time searching for data in different places or generating reports manually.

4. Data-Driven Decisions: Dashboards help you make data-driven decisions.

By visualizing your data, you can identify trends, opportunities, and areas that need attention more easily.

5. Enhanced Transparency: Dashboards promote transparency within your organization.

Team members can access the same data, fostering collaboration and alignment toward common goals.

Now that we’ve established the importance of adding dashboards to Unleashed X, let’s proceed to the step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step-by-Step Guide: How To Add Dashboards To Unleashed X

Step 1: Access Unleashed X Dashboard

Log in to your Unleashed X account using your credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the main dashboard.

This is where you will start building your customized dashboards.

Step 2: Create a New Dashboard

In the main dashboard, look for an option to create a new dashboard.

This may be labeled as “Create New Dashboard” or something similar.

Click on this option to initiate the dashboard creation process.

Step 3: Name Your Dashboard

You will be prompted to give your dashboard a name. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the dashboard.

For example, you could name it “Sales Performance Dashboard.” After naming your dashboard, confirm your selection.

Step 4: Add Widgets

With your new dashboard created, it’s time to add widgets.

Widgets are the components that display data on your dashboard.

Look for an “Add Widget” or similar button and click on it.

There will be a variety of widgets available for you to select from, including tables, bar charts, pie charts, and more.

Select the widget type you want to use, then configure it to display the precise data you want.

For instance, if you want to track sales, you may choose a “Sales Chart” widget and set it up to display monthly sales data.

When your dashboard offers a thorough picture of the data you want to track, keep adding widgets.

Step 5: Arrange Widgets

After adding widgets to your dashboard, you can arrange them to create a visually appealing and informative layout.

Simply drag and drop widgets to change their positions on the dashboard.

Step 6: Customize Widget Settings

Each widget on your dashboard can be customized to display specific data and time frames.

Click on a widget to access its settings. You can choose the data source, time period, and any other relevant options.

Make sure each widget provides the data and insights you need to make informed decisions.

Step 7: Save Your Dashboard

Once you have added and customized your widgets, save your dashboard to retain your settings.

You may be prompted to give your dashboard a final name or description to differentiate it from others if you plan to create multiple dashboards.

Step 8: Share Your Dashboard

Unleashed X allows you to share your customized dashboards with team members or stakeholders.

Find the sharing options for your dashboard and configure who can access it. You can control who can view, edit, or share the dashboard.

Step 9: Set Dashboard as Default

If you want your dashboard to be the first thing you see when you enter Unleashed X, you generally have the option to choose it as your default dashboard.

This saves you time and provides rapid access to your most crucial information.

Step 10: Review and Update

Dashboards are not static; they should evolve as your business changes and grows.

Regularly review your dashboards to ensure they remain relevant and continue to provide valuable insights.

Update widgets, data sources, and time frames as needed to reflect your current business goals.

FAQ: Common Questions About Adding Dashboards to Unleashed X

Certainly, here are some frequently asked questions about adding dashboards to Unleashed X:

1. Can I Create Multiple Dashboards I Unleashed X?

You may design many dashboards in Unleashed X, each specific to a particular element of your organization.

You may, for instance, have distinct dashboards for sales, inventory, and buying.

2. What Kind of Widgets Are Available For My Dashboards?

Tables, custom text widgets, bar charts, line charts, and pie charts are just a few of the widgets available in Unleashed X.

You can pick the ones that best meet your demands for data visualization.

3. Can I Share My Dashboards With Team Members or Stakeholders?

Yes, you can share your dashboards with specific team members or stakeholders, and you have control over who can view, edit, or share them.

4. How Frequently Should I Update My Dashboards?

The frequency of dashboard updates depends on your business needs.

You should regularly review and update your dashboards to ensure that they provide the most relevant data and insights.

5. Can I Revert To The Default Dashboard If I Change My Mind About a Custom Dashboard?

Yes, you can always return to the dashboard that Unleashed X provides by default.

You can continue to utilize your own dashboards as needed.

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In conclusion, adding dashboards to Unleashed X is a valuable step toward harnessing the full power of this inventory management system.

You may acquire real-time insights, make data-driven choices, and enhance overall business productivity with the ability to design bespoke dashboards.

You may fully utilize Unleashed X and improve your inventory management by following the detailed instructions offered below.

Maintain in mind that dashboards are dynamic tools that should adjust to your company’s changing demands; therefore, you should update them frequently to keep them relevant and useful.

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