How To Get Unbanned From Tinder – Full Guide [2023]

Tinder is by far one of the most popular dating apps out there. The users of Tinder are all over the world and because of its wide user base Tinder has some strict policies that you have to adhere to, else Tinder will ban you. 

If you are here then chances are that your account has already been blocked by Tinder

Then how to get unbanned from Tinder? 

Do not worry because today I have compiled a thorough guide on how to get your account unbanned from tinder.

Reasons You Can Get Banned On Tinder

Before jumping to the process of getting unbanned from tinder let us first take a look into the reasons why Tinder blocked you in the first place.

As I mentioned earlier Tinder is very strict when it comes to its guidelines, here are some reasons for your account getting blocked on Tinder.

Tinder’s Policy Violation

If you have violated Tinder’s policies then you will get your account blocked.

Fake Profile

You are not supposed to scam someone on Tinder and Tinder understands this very well, if you have a fake profile or you are pretending to be someone else then it is a red flag for Tinder and your account will get banned.

Inappropriate Language

If one of your matches reported an inappropriate message sent by you then there is a chance to get banned on Tinder. 

Your match has the authority to report your messages. But don’t worry if they have fake reported you because Tinder goes through every report and if your message is not inappropriate, your account will not get blocked.

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Racist and Homophobic Comments and Behavior

Tinder is for everyone including the LGBTQ community. Any comments or remarks against them are not tolerated by Tinder.

Inappropriate Pictures

Inappropriate pictures are a big no-no on tinder, some skin show-off is permissible but one can not go overboard.  

And if you go then Tinder will block your account.

So these were some reasons by which your Tinder account can get blocked.

How To Unban Your Tinder Account?

If you want your Tinder account back after a ban then there is not much you can do, to be honest.

Here are some ways out of this.

Send Appeal

The best and the most recommended way to get your Inder account back is to appeal to Tinder’s support system

Before submitting an appeal keep some things in hand.

  • Reason for ban
  • If the ban was inappropriate then keep screenshots of your appropriate behavior as proof. 

How To Submit an Appeal

First and foremost, be polite and have an apologetic tone. 

  • Step 1: Tap on the ‘Trouble with account login’ option.
  • Step 2: Tap on the ‘Can’t log in my account was banned’ option.
  • Step 3: Fill in all the details like email address, and phone number.
  • Step 4: In the description explain your side of the story with proof attached to it.

And now your appeal is submitted successfully.

It is to be noted that submitting an appeal will not lead to account unban if you are really a culprit.

Other Way Rounded

If you still get your account unbanned then you cannot do much now.

There is still one thing that can give you the opportunity to use tinder again but from a new account. 

And that is.

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Make a new account

Isn’t that obvious? If your old account is blocked then make a new account with obviously a new phone number or email address.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

These are frequently asked questions on Tinder account unban on google.

How do I get unban from Tinder?

There is only one thing that you can do to get your old account back and that is to submit an appeal.

How to submit an appeal?

First and foremost, be polite and have an apologetic tone. 

  • Step 1: Tap on the ‘Trouble with account login’ option.
  • Step 2: Tap on the ‘Can’t log in my account was banned’ option.
  • Step 3: Fill in all the details like email address, and phone number.
  • Step 4: In the description, explain your side of the story with proof attached to it. 

How long does it take to be unbanned from Tinder?

After submitting your appeal you can expect a reply from Tinder customer care within 3 to 4 days. But the time period it takes to get unbanned depends upon the reason for the ban.

Are Tinder bans permanent?

Yes, if your appeal didn’t work out then the ban is permanent.

Can I make a new Tinder account after getting banned?

Yes, you just need a new phone number or email address.

How many reports does it take to get banned on Tinder?

It just takes one report to ban someone. If the report was fake then you will get your account back.

Parting Words

So, this was how to unbanned your Tinder account. The appeal method is the only working method in case you want your old account back, but still, there are chances that it won’t work and now the only option left with you will be to make a new account.

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